Our Response to COVID-19

In light of recent events concerning COVID-19, the team at Panatch Group and 50 Electronic Avenue want to assure everyone that the health and well-being of our visitors and staff remains our top priority, and always will be. Please be assured, that while the risk of contracting the virus remains low in BC, we will continue to update our office policies and procedures following the advice and directives of BC health authorities, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the BC Centre for Disease Control.


As a team, we are taking measures to ensure our Presentation Centre and Display Homes remain clean and safe for staff and visitors.

  1. First and foremost, if you are sick, please stay home.  We are able to provide online appointments and you are even able to write a contract entirely online through our Avesdo platform.
  2. We are frequently sanitizing and cleaning commonly touched surfaces, taps, appliances and door handles in our display homes and office areas as well as iPads and Apple Pencils after each use.
  3. Regular handwashing: staff will wash their hands regularly with soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds, as well as before and after each visitor. We ask that visitors wash their hands with soap and warm water for at least 30 seconds when they enter the Presentation Centre and Display Homes as well. Hand sanitizer will also be available.
  4. We will be limiting the number of groups to no more than three (3) at a time in the Presentation Centre during this time. We will limit our appointments as such.
  5. We are also scheduling appointments outside of regular hours and have the ability to host online / virtual appointments as well. Please ask a member of our sales team for details.
  6. If you have recently travelled to a high-risk area, please ensure you do not visit the Presentation Centre for at least 2 weeks after your return providing you have not tested positive for COVID-19.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you might have. We look forward to seeing you soon!